Simple Storage Network Guide


Main Blocks
 Root Block
 Inventory Block
 Request Table
 Network Cable
 Link Cable
 Filtered Link Cable
 Import Cable
 Filtered Import Cable
 Export Cable
 Speed Upgrade
 Slow Upgrade
 Stack Upgrade
 Singleton Upgrade
 Stock Upgrade
 Operation Upgrade

Main Blocks:

Root Block:

The root block is the master part of the network. Each storage system needs ONE root block to function. If it breaks, every other part will cease to work.
Right-clicking the Root Block will tell you how many storage slots are connected to the network ("Potential Empty Slots"), as well as listing the numbers of all currently-connected Cable types.

Materials required:

Every connection needs to have a route back to this block in order to work. It is effectively the brain of the whole network.
Regular network cables can pass through other types of cable, still counting as a connection to the root.

NEVER connect two different networks together. One Root Block will be permanently DESTROYED!

To move items between networks, use a box attached to an Import Cable from Network 1 and an Export Cable from Network 2 on the OPPOSITE side.

Inventory Block:

The inventory block allows you to access the Storage Network's inventory, similar to a chest. It is also used as an ingredient for the Request Table.

Materials required:

Request Table:

The Request Table functions similarly to an Inventory Block, but also contains a builtin crafting grid that can draw directly from the network inventory.
Note that you can leave a recipe template in the grid and it will stay there permanently, allowing quick generation of one item at will.

Materials required:


Cables connect parts of the network to eachother. Regular Network Cables can only be connected to eachother, a Root Block, an Inventory Block or a Request Table.
All other cables can be connected to any object that can hold/process items. This includes chests, furnaces, dispensers, hoppers etc.
These cables will connect to the first object they 'find' in an adjoining block. They can be attached to a container directly by holding Sneak, but may still connect to the wrong object.
Some types of cable can be equipped with "upgrades" that modify or extend the logic of the cable. These are covered later.

Network Cable:

The Network Cable is the standard connection, serving only as a path between network points. Think of these as basic "wires".
If any of these cables touches another cable or container from a different network, that network's Root Block will be DESTROYED.
It's important to note that Network Cables can't "extend" the functions of any other type of cable - each other type of cable must be TOUCHING the box/object it is controlling.

Materials required:

Link Cable:

The Link Cable links a container to the network's inventory. This allows the items within to be accessed, and items will be stored within at random.
It is recommended to immediately attach several empty chests to a new network to allow for ample storage space.

Pictured: a Link Cable correctly connected to a chest.

Materials required:

Import Cable:

This cable takes the contents of a container and imports it into the network. It is different from a Link Cable in that it TAKES from the box rather than sharing access to it.
This basic version has no upgrade slots - it gradually "sucks" out all contained items at roughly 4 items per cycle (1 cycle generally being slightly less than a second).

Materials required:

Filtered Import Cable:

This is an advanced version of the Import Cable.
As well as importing contents, it includes the same filter interface as the Filtered Link Cable, and also includes Upgrade Slots (covered in a later section).

Materials required:

Export Cable:

This cable fills the connected container with items from the network.
Unlike the basic Import Cable, this cable only has one version that comes with filtering options and upgrade slots by default.
Both the Export Cable and Filtered Import Cable can optionally be set to only work with an active redstone signal, allowing them to be turned on/off with switches or logic.

Materials required:


Upgrades allow certain cables to have extended/modified logic. The following cables can have upgrades installed: They are crafted as items and placed in the upgrade slots in the upper-right of the cable interface.

Speed Upgrade:

This upgrade decreases the time between cycles, meaning the connection is processed more frequently in a shorter amount of time.
It does not affect the amount of items processed per-cycle.

Materials required:

Slow Upgrade:

This upgrade increases the time between cycles, meaning the connection is processed less frequently in a longer amount of time.
It does not affect the amount of items processed per-cycle.

Materials required:

Stack Upgrade:

This upgrade increases the number of items processed per-cycle. One whole stack of items will be processed every cycle.
NOTE: this is regardless of the item's maximum stack-limit. For example, In a single cycle the cable may process 64 iron ingots or 1 minecart.

Materials required:

Singleton Upgrade:

This upgrade decreases the number of items processed per-cycle to one. One single item will be processed each cycle.

Materials required:

Stock Upgrade:

This upgrade allows a specific number of items to be exported to a container. Operations stop once this number has been reached.
NOTE: this upgrade only affects the Export Cable, and will do nothing if added to an Import Cable.

The pictured Export Cable ensures the attached furnace is always supplied with exactly 2 coal, preventing it from hogging fuel from other active furnaces.

Materials required:

Operation Upgrade:

This upgrade adds two functions: First, it allows you to pick an exact number of items to process per-cycle. The number is set via the item's stack size in the filter list, much like the Stock Upgrade.
It also includes a "logic check" function, which checks the number of an item in the network (NOT the container).
This is useful for checking if a network is running low on a given material and supplementing it from another storage, or setting aside excess amounts of material.

It's important to remember that the icon next to the counter is actually a slot, which is used for the logic comparison.

This Export Cable checks whether the network has more than 256 cobblestone - if so, it unloads the excess cobblestone into a different network for processing.

Materials required: